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This example shows how to use LUCI to edit the adduser.conf file (the configuration file for the adduser command) as it is installed on an Debian Potato. Take a look at the corresponding description file to see how it is done. It uses some Python functions to get the valid login shells and the exiting groups and GID on the system.

LUCI adduser screenshot # /etc/adduser.conf: `adduser' configuration.
# See adduser(8) and adduser.conf(5) for full documentation.

# The DSHELL variable specifies the default login shell on your
# system.

# The DHOME variable specifies the directory containing users' home
# directories.

# If GROUPHOMES is "yes", then the home directories will be created as
# /home/groupname/user.

# If LETTERHOMES is "yes", then the created home directories will have
# an extra directory - the first letter of the user name. For example:
# /home/u/user.

# The SKEL variable specifies the directory containing "skeletal" user
# files; in other words, files such as a sample .profile that will be
# copied to the new user's home directory when it is created.

# FIRST_SYSTEM_UID to LAST_SYSTEM_UID inclusive is the range for UIDs
# for dynamically allocated administrative and system accounts.

# FIRST_UID to LAST_UID inclusive is the range of UIDs of dynamically
# allocated user accounts.

# The USERGROUPS variable can be either "yes" or "no". If "yes" each
# created user will be given their own group to use as a default, and
# their home directories will be g+s. If "no", each created user will
# be placed in the group whose gid is USERS_GID (see below).

# If USERGROUPS is "no", then USERS_GID should be the GID of the group
# `users' (or the equivalent group) on your system.

# If QUOTAUSER is set, a default quota will be set from that user with
# `edquota -p QUOTAUSER newuser'

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